State of the Industry
Plan to join us for one of HSMAI Washington DC signature events – 2023 State of the Industry
You will hear top marketing, distribution, and revenue management executives share their outlook for the greater DMV area market. Panelists will present the hospitality trends, figures, and insights you and your property need when preparing your 2024 plans and budgets. A networking reception will connect you with area colleagues.
This year's panel includes:
Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Networking
5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Welcome
5:15 pm - 6:30 pm State of the Industry Program
Hilton Washington DC National Mall-The Wharf
480 L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC 20024
Member Early bird by August 10th - $75.00/After August 10th - $90.00
Non-member Early bird by August 10th - $120/After August 10th. -$130.00
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